Wednesday, March 20, 2013
one week
We are one week away from #2's due date, and it's official...she is going to be a Spring baby! Hooray!
This final hour, so to speak, is so emotional. It just hit me the other day that we are about to become a family of four. I mean, we were already a family...but now we're a Family, with a capital F...know what I mean? And it's kinda like, Whoa. Now we will be responsible for the well-being of TWO human beings - aside from ourselves, that is (but what parent really does a great job remembering how to take care of themselves?). This means caring for them, teaching them, helping them grow physically, mentally, spiritually...doing our best to both shelter them and prepare them for going out into the world, all at the same time. Which was a heavy commission with just one child, never mind two!
But we've chosen this path, come what may. We've chosen to give Abigail a sibling, regardless of how much extra work it might be, or whatever fears it will bring. For me, i worry about two things: Losing my closeness with Abby, and not having that closeness with Sadie. I know that these fears are normal, but they're the type, I think, that won't go away no matter how many other mommies promise that everything will be fine. Dont get me wrong, it helps to hear it. I don't think anything helps a mommy feel more reassured than talking to other mommies.
But still.
So for now, I'm trying to focus on making sure my relationship with Abby is solid. That she knows how much I love her. That she is as prepared as she can be for such a major life-changing event.
I've been working on her room. Well, Their Room now. She just got her big-girl bed, kindly donated by Jeremy's parents, and actually sleeps half the night in it! I'm so proud. Proud, but missing my snuggle I'm secretly glad she only stays there half the night. ;) I wanted to make this bed as special as possible, so that she would love it enough not to miss her crib (not that she's ever spent a full night in there either). And I guess I have my own unique ideas about what makes something like a bed special for a toddler. I know that not everyone will understand my choices, but in the end I think my daughter will, and isn't that what matters?
The sheets I chose for her bed are grey. Yes, grey. They are organic cotton sheets (I didn't particularly buy them because they're organic, but it was certainly a plus), and they're the same sheets Jeremy and I have on our bed. And that's why I chose them. Silly as it may seem, I thought Abby might be comforted by the familiarity of the sheets she's so used to sleeping on - ours! I know most people associate toddler beds with cartoony bedding, but here at The Farm we feel there is such thing as over-stimulation (our girl gets plenty of exposure to Dora the Explorer movies and Sesame Street figurines during the day), and that bedtime stories and playing with our stuffed animal friends is fun enough anyway.
The rest of the bedding was a splurge...we're actually still waiting for it to arrive as I write this...but i truly feel that it was worth every penny. I ordered a custom rag quilt from a seller off of Etsy. It will go nicely with the grey sheets...eventually the grey sheets will be loved by all, I promise!...and it's so beautiful that I almost wish it were mine! Lots of earthy colors there: sage, buttercup, dusty blue, navy blue and teal blue, and grey, all in different patterns and most with flowers. Very feminine, and yet not super girly at the same time. Which is so Abby! I also purchased a block print throw pillow from another Etsy seller, a little yellow fox that just begs for cuddling. You can't help but fall in love with him!
The bed, along with a mushroom night light we got recently, her beloved star lantern, and a sweet, meaningful piece of framed art my friend had someone make for me, will all work together, I think, to help Abby with this transition. It's a start, anyway. As soon as possible I'll take pictures to share. It makes me happy to know that my girls are going to have such a beautiful, thoughtfully designed room to grow up together in.
As for Sadie, I hope that she, too, will experience the best of me as a mom. I hope that she, too, will know how much I love her. And I look forward to doing special things for her just as I do for Abigail.
One week. :)
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My name is Audrey. I'm just a twentysomething learning how to master the arts of cooking, cleaning, working and being in a relationship, same as you.In between all that, I like to collect sea glass and salvaged furniture. Occasionally, I cut and paste scraps of paper together. In the end, I am hoping that all of these things together will somehow amount to something good. This blog is a journal of my efforts to get there.
thesalvagedbride at gmail dot com
salvage cool blogs
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