Monday, March 22, 2010

it's a turtle! it's a slug! it's a big fat limbopotamus


You're probably wondering by now WHERE THE HECK i've been. And the answer is this: without internet.

Just like most electronic devices in my life, the laptop my mother was letting me borrow (off of which i was jumping onto unlocked wireless connections from my uninformed neighbors) suddenly stopped working. It actually got a virus, which is as of yet unfixable, thus leaving me with nothing.

Sad face.

It's been frustrating, to say the least - but i'm trying not to think about it. In the meantime, i've been working like a crazy person trying to find myself another job and finish making our apartment feel like home. It looks SO much different than when we first moved in, and i can't wait to post photos! Hopefully, in the near future, we will get our internet back.

I'm not gone, i'm just in limbo.
My name is Audrey. I'm just a twentysomething learning how to master the arts of cooking, cleaning, working and being in a relationship, same as you.In between all that, I like to collect sea glass and salvaged furniture. Occasionally, I cut and paste scraps of paper together. In the end, I am hoping that all of these things together will somehow amount to something good. This blog is a journal of my efforts to get there.

thesalvagedbride at gmail dot com

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