happy birthday, little girl
Tomorrow, you will be two. Happy birthday, little girl! For that is what you are now - not a baby, but a little girl. Two years flew by, the greatest two years I have ever known, and you have blossomed into something so beautiful that no amount of words could ever truly describe you justly.
You are pretty and sweet, gentle and kind. You are compassionate and loving. You are full of wonder and curiosity. You are the funniest person I know! You love to sing and dance and play. You love your stuffed animals more than any other toy; aside from me and Daddy they are your best friends. You love to be outside, running, feeding the birds, collecting rocks and sticks and leaves, visiting the ceramic rooster on the barn steps and the weathered angel figure by the edge of the woods, splashing in puddles and raking your small fingers through the dirt and grass. You have always loved feeling the wind on your face. Your hugs could mend a wounded heart and your laughter could breathe life into death. Your favorite foods right now are pomegranates, hummus and popcorn. You still haven't spent an entire night in your own bed, and secretly, we love it.
Every few months since the day you were born, we have found ourselves saying, "This is our favorite age." And I can already tell that this time is no different. You are becoming more independent all the time, which is sad at first but so rewarding as parents because we know that you feel safe and confident to be your own person, with your own opinions and wishes and ideas. You know what you want, when you want it, and that's great! And we look forward to seeing you grow more this year, a year when you will be that much more aware of the life around you, a year in which you will gain a little sister.
Abigail, we are so, so proud of you. We love you more than you will ever know, and our greatest desire is to celebrate you not just tomorrow, but every single day.
Hugs and kisses, Mommy and Daddy
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